The Foundation of Stars has recently launched a 10-day radio, internet, and television fundraising campaign across Quebec on the airwaves of the Astral Network. This major annual campaign will culminate in the new internet-based event “Day of Stars” on Sunday, December 5, 2010, from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m., featuring the Web-o-thon to raise funds for research into children’s diseases. Spokespersons Chantal Lacroix, Lori Graham, and Suzanne Desautels will co-host this new form of fundraising telethon event to encourage viewers and listeners to help support pediatric health research in Quebec.
Minna Re Shin will join a lineup of renowned performers, including Gino Quilico, Margie Gillis, Les Grands Ballets Canadiens, Oscar Salazar Varela, and Nico Archambault, in this special event on the web by taking the stage and encouraging everyone to give generously.
Be sure to join us at!
So many children continue to suffer from disease. It’s about saving lives. Be generous…we want our little stars to shine bright!